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The Morning Show

  • Joan Macaulay Nugent- All-Ireland Irish Dancing Championships

    By Hugh on October 31, 2014
    It’s been all jigs, reels, wigs, makeup and lots of dancing at the CityWest Hotel in recent days as the All-Ireland Irish Dancing Championships take place. The event attracts mothers and daughters not to mention Grannies, Grandas and the family entourage from near and far. One such mother is Joan Macaulay Nugent who has travelled all the way from New […]
  • Jane McKenna- Laura Lynn Foundation (Charity in Focus)

    By Hugh on October 20, 2014
    Recently Spirit Radio featured the LauraLynn Foundation as it’s charity. LauraLynn is an organisation that provides a very important service, and it came about as a result of some very tragic personal circumstances for one particular family. Jane McKenna, co-founder of LauraLynn and Paul Collins, from Ecclesiastical Insurance (sponsors of Charity in Focus) spoke to Wendy about the work they […]
  • Julia Holcomb – ‘Silent no More’

    By Hugh on October 10, 2014
    Ahead of her appearance at the Prolife Campaign National Conference in the RDS, former girlfriend to Aerosmith front man Steve Tyler, Julie Holcomb joined Wendy in studio to tell her story, pathway to recovery and her ‘Silent no More’ ministry
  • Fr Vincent Mulligan – Pilgrimage to Lourdes

    By Hugh on October 8, 2014
    Fr Vincent Mulligan was recently awarded the Vatican’s ‘Good Samaritan’ medal in recognition of his decades of dedicated work as the director of pilgrimages with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate order in Dublin. He is the first Irish person to be awarded the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers’ honour. Fr Mulligan spoke to Wendy about his work over the […]
  • Dr Lorna Gold- Cry for the Earth

    By Hugh on October 7, 2014
    Can we act in a moral way or an immoral way in relation to the environment? Do we have responsibilities before God in how we care for our world, our planet? Well, the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference appear to think that we do indeed have responsibilities, and just last week they released an updated version of their pastoral reflection “The […]
  • Richard Magee-‘Mood Swings”;Mental Health Week

    By Hugh on October 6, 2014
    World Mental Health Day is celebrated worldwide on the 10th of October. It is an opportunity to bring awareness to mental health on an international, national and local scale, informing and educating people about mental health and to work towards ending the stigma and create a non-judgmental space for people struggling with their mental health to open up and talk. […]
  • Fr Vincent Twomey – Open Letter to the Synod on the Family

    By Hugh on October 2, 2014
    A Synod on the Family, convened by Pope Francis, begins in Rome this weekend. An open letter on the state of the family, signed by marriage experts and marriage advocates from around the world, has been sent to the members of the Synod. Wendy talks to one of the signatories of the open letter, Fr. Vincent Twomey from the Pontifical University […]
  • Pastor Riaz Gill- Bible College, Pakistan

    By Hugh on September 30, 2014
    Pastor Riaz Gill joined Wendy in studio to discuss the Bible College he has set up in Pakistan, a country which recently remembered the first anniversary of the attack on All Saints Church in Peshawar which killed 98 people.
  • Mark Pollock- Adventurer and Motivational Speaker

    By Hugh on September 24, 2014
    On a good day, Mark Pollock no doubt considers himself a lucky man. He’s alive and he probably shouldn’t be, having survived horrific injuries sustained in an accidental fall from a second-floor window. It would have been a massive trial for anyone, but the sense of tragedy was compounded by the fact that in 1998, he had to overcome another […]
  • Melanie Verwoerd – “Our Madiba”

    By Hugh on September 23, 2014
    It may be nearly ten months since he passed away but the legacy of Nelson Mandela lives on as it created the opportunity for South Africa to achieve a common future. Meeting the late Nelson Mandela in 1990 changed the life of Melanie Verwoerd’s life dramatically, having been elected as the youngest member of the South African Parliament for the […]

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